Annapurna International School - Hingoli, Hingoli - Reviews, Fee Structure, Admission Form, Address, Contact, Rating

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Annapurna International School

Hingoli, Hingoli, Maharashtra

0/5  |  0 Reviews  |  3,102

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Description of Annapurna International School, Hingoli, Hingoli

Hingoli in Hingoli has a school named Annapurna International School. The children get the most out of their education as they are taught by a team of 8 professional and dedicated faculties in this Other Board school.

In 2015, Annapurna International School was launched. With the student teacher ratio being 6:1 the primary medium of instruction is Marathi. The school takes pride of its excellent teaching methodology.

Classes from 1 to 5 run in this school. This school's student strength is approximately 49.

The school has given exceptional results in the academic sphere and its students have excelled in extra co-curricular activities too.


School Code27160102502
Status of BuildingPrivate
Total Classrooms7


Contact Details of Annapurna International School


Roadkalgaon,, Akola, Maharashtra 431513, India

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