Description of Gyanasthali Vidyalay, Hari Bhushan Nagar, Rewa
Hari Bhushan Nagar in Rewa has a school named Gyanasthali Vidyalay. There are 22 dedicated and professional faculty members who impart quality education to children in this Other Board school.
Gyanasthali Vidyalay was started in the year 2008. Hindi is the primary medium of instruction for this school and the student teacher ratio is 102:1. Every member of the school is committed to provide the best learning environment.
Classes from 1 to 12 run in this school. This school's student strength is approximately 2263 with residential facilities. It has a library as well with over 13629 books.
The school has given exceptional results in the academic sphere and its students have excelled in extra co-curricular activities too. The perentage of students passing the exam is 100% with 99% scoring first grade.
School Code
Status of Building
Total Classrooms
Facilities in Gyanasthali Vidyalay, Hari Bhushan Nagar, Rewa
Teacher's Details of Gyanasthali Vidyalay, Hari Bhushan Nagar, Rewa
Total Teacher - 44 | Graduated - 22 | Post Graduated - 22
Reviews of Gyanasthali Vidyalay, Hari Bhushan Nagar, Rewa (5)
Divyansh Chaturvedi
Aug 26, 2018
Being a part of it,is the greatest experience Iam having in life.Teachers are very supportive and it is all managed by a disciplined administration power and making every moment awesome....
This school is best in REWA. Divya Mam, Pranav Sir are very supportive to talented students. Shubha Mam is best teacher for commerce Students. Saloni Mam our principal is very strict but very kind at heart always helpful to students.
Though I don't like AD sir at all because he never ever going to listen to you no matter what.
Very nice school all the necessary things for study are available like good environment ,good teacher, sports, library each and everything soooo nice school
Hari Bhushan Nagar in Rewa has a school named Gyanasthali Vidyalay. There are 22 dedicated and professional faculty members who impart quality education to children in this Other Board school.
Gyanasthali Vidyalay was started in the year 2008. Hindi is the primary medium of instruction for this school and the student teacher ratio is 102:1. Every member of the school is committed to provide the best learning environment.
Classes from 1 to 12 run in this school. This school's student strength is approximately 2263 with residential facilities. It has a library as well with over 13629 books.
The school has given exceptional results in the academic sphere and its students have excelled in extra co-curricular activities too. The perentage of students passing the exam is 100% with 99% scoring first grade.