Description of Iqra Public School, Dhourra Mafi, Aligarh
Dhourra Mafi in Aligarh has a school named Iqra Public School. The children get the most out of their education as they are taught by a team of 33 professional and dedicated faculties in this CBSE school.
In 1989, Iqra Public School was launched. Hindi is the primary medium of instruction for this school and the student teacher ratio is 40:1. The school tries to provide best learning environment.
This school runs classes from 1 to 12 to provide education to students. This school has approximately 1321 as student strength. This school's library has 10647 books.
The school has given exceptional results in the academic sphere and its students have excelled in extra co-curricular activities too.
School Code
Status of Building
Total Classrooms
Facilities in Iqra Public School, Dhourra Mafi, Aligarh
Teacher's Details of Iqra Public School, Dhourra Mafi, Aligarh
Total Teacher - 66 | Graduated - 33 | Post Graduated - 33
Reviews of Iqra Public School, Dhourra Mafi, Aligarh (5)
Maimuna Siddiqui
Apr 06, 2018
I'm the student of 8-A
In my opinion It is one of the best schools in aligarh. in real sense, our school is an ideal school. I like my school very much. I take pride in being a student of such a good school.
Dhourra Mafi in Aligarh has a school named Iqra Public School. The children get the most out of their education as they are taught by a team of 33 professional and dedicated faculties in this CBSE school.
In 1989, Iqra Public School was launched. Hindi is the primary medium of instruction for this school and the student teacher ratio is 40:1. The school tries to provide best learning environment.
This school runs classes from 1 to 12 to provide education to students. This school has approximately 1321 as student strength. This school's library has 10647 books.
The school has given exceptional results in the academic sphere and its students have excelled in extra co-curricular activities too.