Krishnagar High School - Krishnagar Muni, Nadia - Reviews, Fee Structure, Admission Form, Address, Contact, Rating

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Krishnagar High School

Krishnagar Muni, Nadia, West Bengal

4.4/5  |  5 Reviews  |  12,445

Opening Hours . Closed

10.30 AM to 4 PM

Description of Krishnagar High School, Krishnagar Muni, Nadia

Krishnagar High School is located in Krishnagar Muni, Nadia. The children get the most out of their education as they are taught by a team of 9 professional and dedicated faculties in this Other Board school.

In 1950, Krishnagar High School was launched. This school's primary medium of instruction is Bengali and the student teacher ratio is 54:1. Every member of the school is committed to provide the best learning environment.

Students from 1 to 5 are taught in this school. The current student strength of the school is approximately 493. It has a library as well with over 300 books.

The school has given exceptional results in the academic sphere and its students have excelled in extra co-curricular activities too. The perentage of students passing the exam is 100% with 81% scoring first grade.


School Code19101901904
Status of BuildingGovernment school in a rent free building
Total Classrooms6

Facilities in Krishnagar High School, Krishnagar Muni, Nadia


Mid-day Meal


Contact Details of Krishnagar High School


Ananta Hari Mitra Road, Krishnanagar, West Bengal 741101, India

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Reviews of Krishnagar High School, Krishnagar Muni, Nadia (5)

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Arghya Sarkar

Jun 11, 2018


Good as a play ground. But a little dirty and it is small in size as well.

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R K 'S Creation _

Jun 11, 2018


Not quite big but it is the ground of krishnagar High School.It has a small permanent open stage for cultural programme and now this is the practice ground of newly formed Krishnagar High school Cricket Academy

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Parthesh Biswas

Jun 11, 2018


Its my school.... and i love my school .

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Ajanta Lahiri

Jun 11, 2018


It's a very good playground.It has a cricket pitch.

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Anirban Majumdar

Jun 11, 2018


What's amazing is, if young people understood how doing well in school makes the rest of their life so much interesting, they would be more motivated. It's so far away in time that they can't appreciate what it means for their whole life.

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