Late Sau Vidya Vinod Adhikari Vidyalay - Palghar, Palghar - Reviews, Fee Structure, Admission Form, Address, Contact, Rating

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Late Sau Vidya Vinod Adhikari Vidyalay

Palghar, Palghar, Maharashtra

0/5  |  5 Reviews  |  11,705

Description of Late Sau Vidya Vinod Adhikari Vidyalay, Palghar, Palghar

Palghar in Palghar has a school named Late Sau Vidya Vinod Adhikari Vidyalay. 41 dedicated and professional teachers ensure that the children get the maximum out of their eduaction in this State Board school.

Late Sau Vidya Vinod Adhikari Vidyalay was launched in 1978. Marathi is the primary medium of instruction for this school with English as secondary medium. and the student teacher ratio is 55:1. Every member of the school is committed to provide the best learning environment.

This school runs classes from 6 to 12 to provide education to students. This school's student strength is approximately 2290. It has a library as well with over 2000 books.

The school has given exceptional results in the academic sphere and its students have excelled in extra co-curricular activities too.


School Code27361107902
Status of BuildingRented
Total Classrooms15

Facilities in Late Sau Vidya Vinod Adhikari Vidyalay, Palghar, Palghar



Mid-day Meal


Contact Details of Late Sau Vidya Vinod Adhikari Vidyalay


Post Nihe, Tal, Lalonde, Maharashtra 401404, India

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Reviews of Late Sau Vidya Vinod Adhikari Vidyalay, Palghar, Palghar (5)

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Kundan Tambadi

Aug 16, 2018


A place to learn better

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Akansha Gharat

Aug 16, 2018


Nice school and nice clg

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Pintu Varma

Aug 16, 2018


Nyc facility provider

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Parag Jadhav

Aug 16, 2018


Best High school in Palghar

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Santosh Gupta

Aug 16, 2018




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