Description of M.L.B. Girls Higher Secondary School, Nayapara, Bastar
M.L.B. Girls Higher Secondary School's location is at Nayapara, Bastar. There are 29 dedicated and professional faculty members who impart quality education to children in this State Board school.
M.L.B. Girls Higher Secondary School was launched in 1964. The primary medium of instruction is Hindi and the student teacher ratio is 27:1. The school takes pride of its excellent teaching methodology.
Classes from 9 to 12 run in this school. This school has approximately 806 as student strength. It has a library as well with over 500 books.
The school has given exceptional results in the academic sphere and its students have excelled in extra co-curricular activities too.
School Code
Status of Building
Facilities in M.L.B. Girls Higher Secondary School, Nayapara, Bastar
Teacher's Details of M.L.B. Girls Higher Secondary School, Nayapara, Bastar
Total Teacher - 53 | Graduated - 29 | Post Graduated - 24
Contact Details of M.L.B. Girls Higher Secondary School
Nayapara, Jagdalpur, Chhattisgarh 494001, India
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Reviews of M.L.B. Girls Higher Secondary School, Nayapara, Bastar (5)
Swaroop Chakraborty
Dec 15, 2017
This school is the main govt. schools for girls in Jagdalpur. They also have hostel where the girls from nearby villages or towns stay and complete their studies.
M.L.B. Girls Higher Secondary School's location is at Nayapara, Bastar. There are 29 dedicated and professional faculty members who impart quality education to children in this State Board school.
M.L.B. Girls Higher Secondary School was launched in 1964. The primary medium of instruction is Hindi and the student teacher ratio is 27:1. The school takes pride of its excellent teaching methodology.
Classes from 9 to 12 run in this school. This school has approximately 806 as student strength. It has a library as well with over 500 books.
The school has given exceptional results in the academic sphere and its students have excelled in extra co-curricular activities too.