U.M.S Bhim Bigha - Narhat, Nawada - Reviews, Fee Structure, Admission Form, Address, Contact, Rating

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U.M.S Bhim Bigha

Narhat, Nawada, Bihar

0/5  |  0 Reviews  |  290

Description of U.M.S Bhim Bigha, Narhat, Nawada

The location of U.M.S Bhim Bigha is Narhat, Nawada. It is a Other Board school, with a team of 9 dedicated and professional faculties, which are here to ensure that the children get the most from their education.

U.M.S Bhim Bigha was launched in 1960. This school's primary medium of instruction is Hindi and the student teacher ratio is 39:1. The school tries to provide best learning environment.

This school runs classes from 1 to 8 to provide education to students. This school has approximately 357 as student strength. It has a library as well with over 105 books.

The school has given exceptional results in the academic sphere and its students have excelled in extra co-curricular activities too. This school has 100% of students qualifying the examination and out of these 80% scored first grade.


School Code10360701001
Status of BuildingGovernment
Total Classrooms13

Facilities in U.M.S Bhim Bigha, Narhat, Nawada


Mid-day Meal

Teacher's Details of U.M.S Bhim Bigha, Narhat, Nawada

Total Teacher - 14   |    Graduated - 6    |   Post Graduated - 8

Subject :Music
Academic :Secondary
Professional :Others
Gender :Male
Year of Joining :2003
Status :Regular


Contact Details of U.M.S Bhim Bigha


U.M.S Bhimbigha, Narhat, Bhimbigha, Nawada, 805122, Bihar, India

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