Bombay International School - Gamdevi, Mumbai - Reviews, Fee Structure, Admission Form, Address, Contact, Rating

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Bombay International School

Gamdevi, Mumbai, Maharashtra

0/5  |  5 Reviews  |  6,351


School Code27230100906
Status of BuildingPrivate
Total Classrooms8

Facilities in Bombay International School, Gamdevi, Mumbai




Contact Details of Bombay International School


Gilbert Building, 2Nd Cross Lane, India, Babulnath, Khareghat Colony, Gamdevi, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400007, India

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Reviews of Bombay International School, Gamdevi, Mumbai (5)

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Prasad Samant

Aug 15, 2018


This is a residential building which has been bought over & converted wrongfully into a business by the school association & now they are trying to drive away the tenants by force & unlawful means....

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Navneeth Krishna

Aug 15, 2018


I am not a student, but I'd like to review on this place because the students of this school have given away the name this school has earned through ages. When I was in an airport, the students of this school were there too. The noise they created, the loud chattering even inside the plane nearly ruined the patience of every individual on board. I am sorry to tell frankly that the students seriously lack proper social behavior. This is the reason why I had to hunt down the name of the college and write a review. I have no intentions to defame the school, but this is all for the betterment of the students. Please do not do this in the future, and may all the students come out with flying colors and bright future ahead!

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Sonu Joshi

Aug 15, 2018


im a student and i love the school

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Meghna Mathur

Aug 15, 2018



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Abhishek Kumar

Aug 15, 2018



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