International Trainer’s Society for Management and Business Acumen-ITSMBA - Ludhiana, Punjab - Reviews, Fee Structure, Admission Form, Address, Contact, Rating

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International Trainer’s Society for Management and Business Acumen-ITSMBA Verified

Ludhiana, Punjab

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Description of International Trainer’s Society for Management and Business Acumen-ITSMBA, Ludhiana, Punjab

International Trainer’s Society for Management and Business Acumen-ITSMBA is a platform for non-formal, non-accredited skilled training and development for developing trainers in the field of business and management. It has global presence as a web based platform for skill training providers in business and management field. They provide their services to organized as well as unorganized sector. This platform is a support structure for management and business trainer’s community. This community collaborates and provides leadership for growth and expansion of business establishments with quality and excellence. ITSMBA is committed to train and develop a powerful workforce and leadership of trainers those can contribute to the industry and shift employability scenario at the marketplace.

The prime objective of this platform is to provide opportunities to youth to explore and develop their career as skill trainers for business and management after completing their formal education. The people completing their formal education gets a platform to train themselves with essential practical skills, those are drivers for today’s business or start-up world. It provides ample of opportunities for learners to develop themselves as future leaders of business world.

ITSMBA innovates and implements latest approaches, methodologies, tools and techniques to implement non-formal, non-accredited skilled training programs through their affiliated business establishments. The affiliates of this organization are the business establishments for whom business and management acumen are of interest and importance to forward their business to the next level. There is a list of common yet important skills or acumen in which trainers are continuously evolving to bring performance, productivity, effectiveness and expansion.

Importance for Students and Career Aspirants

ITSMBA is the platform which invites youth for the opportunity to get trained for their career at the place in the field of their interest where they can see their future. They can start from the field which inspires them. The training structure at ITSMBA is a systematically planned internship program having specific purpose, perspective, objective and outcome of each quarter. The skills, ability and approaches available in the curriculum are universal in nature. The skills being developed are in demand for most of the business and organizations. The practice of the critical skills is helpful for the participants as well as business establishments to ensure business and career outcome in reality with reliability.

Importance of ITSMBA platform for Business Establishments and Organizations

A modern business house uses latest approaches enabled with information technology. The high-tech approach to conduct business contributes in evolution of business with exponential growth and expansion. The biggest challenge businesses establishments in MSME sector are dealing with are: workability, viability, sustainability, productivity, performance, credibility and growth. Many times in businesses there exist invisible complexity, ambiguity, volatility and uncertainty (CAVU) which is realized only when stakeholders witness aftermath. So is the scenario of career of youth.

It’s found that presence of well trained, persistent and consistent human resources with productivity and performance helps in vanishing fear of uncertainty. On-going culture of training and development embedded within the business establishment brings there a possibility of growth and expansion with joy and satisfaction. The presence of a structure for on-going training and development inside the business house makes a big difference in the availability of excellently trained human resources. The platform of ITSMBA provides a systematic structure of bringing fresh and energetic talent to the company and trains them for their extraordinary career as well as for the business results for the company in day to day routine. The platform of ITSMBA endorses world’s best coaching programs from world’s leading company for its affiliates.

Contact Details of International Trainer’s Society for Management and Business Acumen-ITSMBA


497, CCIT Building, 1st Floor, CCIT Lane, Near Model Town Club, Model Town, Ludhiana

Fee Structure of International Trainer’s Society for Management and Business Acumen-ITSMBA, Ludhiana, Punjab

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