H P International School - Jagat, Budaun - Reviews, Fee Structure, Admission Form, Address, Contact, Rating

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H P International School

Jagat, Budaun, Uttar Pradesh

5.00/5  |  1 Reviews  |  131

Opening Hours . Open Now

08:30 AM to 03:30 PM

Description of H P International School, Jagat, Budaun

H P International School is the best school in Budaun, affiliated with the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). The school has a world-class infrastructure and provides state-of-the-art facilities to its students. The school offers a wide range of academic and extracurricular activities to its students. The faculty at H P International School is highly qualified and experienced. The school provides a safe and stimulating environment for its students to learn and grow.

HP International School aims to be the most fertile environment in the region nourishing, nurturing and guiding overall learning and growth of precious children during the most formative and crucial period of their lives. The concept is to impart total quality education, not just book worm learning. Our focus is on all round development of each child entrusted to our blend of contemporary and traditional care using age old Indian Philosophies as well as concomitant paths.


School Code9190600118
Status of BuildingPrivate
Total Classrooms50

Facilities in H P International School, Jagat, Budaun



Contact Details of H P International School


Dataganj Road, Opposite Gurukul Mahavidhyalaya, Budaun

Phone No.


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Reviews of H P International School, Jagat, Budaun (1)

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Hina Sharma

Jan 16, 2023


I really appreciate the excellent work by the leadership team and the staff in making this an excellent school.

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