Krono Iinc - Prabhadevi, Mumbai - Reviews, Fee Structure, Admission Form, Address, Contact, Rating

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Krono Iinc

Prabhadevi, Mumbai

3.5/5  |  0 Reviews  |  1,213

Opening Hours . Open Now

9.30 AM to 7 PM

Tags :
Career Counsellors Database Management Training Database Training

Description of Krono Iinc, Prabhadevi, Mumbai

We specialise in developing customised marketing & communication solutions as per the requirements of individual clients. So, in the event, even if what you are looking for does not feature in the table, request you to please send us the relevant details and objectives & we will get back to you with solutions, products & services that we recommend & would be able to offer to take care of the same. For your ready reference, please click on the link below to view our company profile which also includes list of the database that we have, which might help you in your planning the activities that you like to undertake and that would help us in getting a more comprehensive feedback from your side. Our company profile also features a shortlist of some of our clients which would hopefully reassure & convince you that your brand & business are in safe hands of people who are specialists at what they do.

Contact Details of Krono Iinc


No. 50 Prabhadevi, Mumbai, 400025, India

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