Vaagai Vidhyalaya Hr.Sec.School - Pappireddipatty, Dharmapuri - Reviews, Fee Structure, Admission Form, Address, Contact, Rating

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Vaagai Vidhyalaya Hr.Sec.School

Pappireddipatty, Dharmapuri, Tamil Nadu

3.0/5  |  4 Reviews  |  10,361

Opening Hours . Closed

8.30 AM to 4 PM

Description of Vaagai Vidhyalaya Hr.Sec.School, Pappireddipatty, Dharmapuri

Vaagai Vidhyalaya Hr.Sec.School is located in Pappireddipatty, Dharmapuri. The children get the most out of their education as they are taught by a team of 51 professional and dedicated faculties in this Other Board school.

Vaagai Vidhyalaya Hr.Sec.School was launched in 2014. This school's primary medium of instruction is English with Tamil as secondary medium and the student teacher ratio is 20:1. The school takes pride of its excellent teaching methodology.

Classes from 1 to 12 run in this school. This school's student strength is approximately 1036. The library in this school has 3000 books.

The school has given exceptional results in the academic sphere and its students have excelled in extra co-curricular activities too. This school has 100% of students qualifying the examination and out of these 97% scored first grade.


School Code33050702903
Status of BuildingPrivate
Total Classrooms16

Facilities in Vaagai Vidhyalaya Hr.Sec.School, Pappireddipatty, Dharmapuri



Teacher's Details of Vaagai Vidhyalaya Hr.Sec.School, Pappireddipatty, Dharmapuri

Total Teacher - 88   |    Graduated - 45    |   Post Graduated - 43

Subject :Language
Academic :PG
Professional :B.El.Ed
Gender :Male
Year of Joining :2015
Status :Contract
Subject :All Subjects
Academic :Graduate
Professional :Diploma or Certificate
Gender :Female
Year of Joining :2015
Status :Contract


Contact Details of Vaagai Vidhyalaya Hr.Sec.School


Sh18, Pappampadi, Tamil Nadu 636905, India

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Reviews of Vaagai Vidhyalaya Hr.Sec.School, Pappireddipatty, Dharmapuri (4)

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Jhonson Sina

Mar 01, 2018


ஸ்கூல் ரிசல்ட் காட்டுவதில்தான் குறிகோளாக உள்ளது, they never improve the knowledge of the students. They charge huge fees, but the return of your investment is zero ! I can say only this !

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Anantha Kumar

Mar 01, 2018


Leading school in our surrounding area. Way of teaching is good

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Kalai Yarasan

Mar 01, 2018


hi fees in vaagai school

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3Ds Elevations Gangadhar

Mar 01, 2018

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